Help Me Tom Cruise! is our family mantra; whenever a family member is extremely deranged, sick or tired we shout this out to one another, or at times, even to ourselves, to let each other know how we feel by making a little joke about it. You may remember Ricky Bobby screaming it after his car crash in the movie Talladega Nights.
It became the family mantra one night I was driving all the kids home from Catechism, it was dark, and I was making a hard left turn out of a busy church parking lot when these words escaped my mouth at the top of my lungs when I missed seeing an approaching car. The four of us could not stop laughing, and a new catch phrase was born.
After a long week filled with major drama, which I’m not able to share here, I’m shouting out to all of you Help Me Tom Cruise! to let you all know that I’m just extremely busy, sick and exhausted. Of course, I’m stressed, too, but it is down a bit, but still there, the bastard.! I’ve read six books in seven days, which is nice. My last read was The Help, which is like the best book I’ve read in 2010, if not 2009, just wait for my review! I spent 56 hours up awake, 12 of which were spent sitting in the surgery waiting room, in hard hospital chairs, waiting for and thankfully getting good news, only to come home and not be able to fall asleep. I managed nine hours, but then stayed awake another 24 hours straight. I have had insomnia since childhood, but get it bad like only when I’m sick, or uber stressed. My record is 9 days awake, with some mini naps thrown in during that time, but no full sleep, even on Lunesta. That was in 2004 when I had Bronchitis that turned into walking Pneumonia that lasted for three weeks. I supposed I should be happy my insomnia could have been much worse.
Last night I had a 90 minute in home massage (that I can’t really afford but thankfully I get a huge discount since she is a friend) which I desperately needed, as I have seven herniated, torn and bulged disks in my spine, and have bone spurs in my neck and feet due to my bloody awful Degenerative Joint Disease. My body has never been more tight and full of knots per my therapist. Since it had been 4 months since I had any physical therapy or a massage, I knew that was why. (I had a total of six months of physical therapy last year, two months on each area. I’ve been getting PT since the 90s, and it hurts so much.) My massage was the best one I’ve EVER had, and all I kep hearing was pop, pop, pop. I could have died when she popped a huge knot in my foot. I was so stiff I didn’t realize that I wasn’t even able to move most of my shoulders and neck muscles, and I felt like a million bucks before getting really sick an hour later. Sigh. It was like four different kinds of sickness all at once, never felt like that before. I drank a ton of water before and after my massage, because they warn you of toxin release, but I’ve never experienced any type of reaction like this before, so I must have been totally toxic because I still feel pretty crappy nearly 21 hours later.
I repeat, Help me Tom Cruise!
I have a bunch more books to read, reviews to write, jobs to look for, volunteer shifts to work, school concerts and stepmom stuff to do the rest of the week, so if you don’t see me replying to your comments, or on Facebook, or visiting your own blogs, I hope you’ll understand why. I’m also planning on a huge stress post, and how to help lower it, so keep your eyes open for it within the next two weeks. I’m sure it is a post that all of us would benefit reading.