OK – Daily Health Check:
Weight –183. Dang it. I am UNIMPRESSED.
Misc Morning Herbs – ✔
Allergy Drops – ✔
Prog. Cream – ✔
FM Check – ✔ –Feeling ok. FM wise… Girly wise… I’ve had better weeks.
I have once again been SUCKED INTO the Olympics… I love watching sports that are all strength and grace… Like the pairs skating that is on now. Gorgeous. Avery has expressed an interest in skating….. I will have to look into that. I bet she does it well too… Aidan decided that he’d like to ski on a sled. You mean snowboarding, Buddy? NO! A SLED FOR SKIS~! Ok then.
I am a bit disappointed in myself this weekend. I didn’t get everything done that I really wanted to. I did manage the waffles, and the curtains…. which look nice!!! The hubby did rehang the towel bar for me!!! (Which is fantasitc as it was making me MENTAL!!!) and he did attempt to hang the rods for the curtains… but in the end.. I had to go get tension rods. The way the shelves were made, he couldn’t really hang the cafe rods. No biggie… Kmart actually HAD tension rods today… And the baskets that are all over my kitchen… were on sale as well… so we added to that collection too. I wanted one for my couponing stuff… and one for the canning stuff to keep it contained, and the nesting set was finally on sale, so it now holds the fruit, the travel mug lids, and my meds. It is looking good in there now. CONTAINED. The waffles came out good!
I made some hearty apple ones, there were made from a jar pancake mix that we had received for christmas… and were really quite good
Also made was a double batch of blueberry waffles. I even snuck wheat germ and flax seeds into them. Aidan helped me make them all.. and since he added the flax and wheat germ in…. they have been deemed, delicious!! Good, as I froze them and they will be eating them for breakfast for a while! Oh! I did fold half of the 9o baskets of laundry… 45 to go! (Ok… 7 really.. but they are kids clothes, so it FEELS like 45…
I am IN LOVE with the air purifier. LOVE IT. It’s going to be put to the test though tomorrow, as I take it upstairs with me to do the bathroom. I’m honestly, NOT looking forward to the exhaust fan. But I will be going up there armed with White Vinegar, Baking Soda, and Bleach. Oh yeah… and the copper scrubbies. Love those. They have a handle on them, so it’s less awkward to hold, and I can scrub hard and quite literally beat on it… and it scrubs WELL. It looks like I am taking the porcelain off the tub, but it at least looks clean!
I think tomorrow will be Cookie Day as well. Clean a rama morning… and cookie afternoon. I know the kiddos will be happy there… We’ve been making these oatmeal cookies lately, where we follow the regular oatmeal dough recipe, but use potato starch instead of eggs, and I have MAJOR issues with eggs, and adding a ton of dried fruit, and sometimes, chocolate chips. We are getting pretty good at it too. We just call them breakfast cookies, as honesly, there isn’t anything in them that we wouldn’t eat for breakfast. I have made them in bar form… and while tasty, they are a bit thick for the kids… so, back to cookie form we go!
As I sit here and type, I’m trying hard to figure how the pair skating teams that skated CLEANLY, are behind the pair that fell. THIS IS THE OLYMPICS, PEOPLE!! Oy.
OK. SO…. the plan for tomorrow is to:
1. Clean the bathrooms with all green products and the use the air purifier.
2. Make the breakfast cookies
3. Perhaps make a bag for the coupon book ( I plan to research online patterns as soon as this entry goes to press)
4. Consolidate the artwork of the kids to go up to my grandmother… who winters with my aunt and uncle in VT. I’m sure she’ll be JAZZED to get this package!
5. Flit around like a crazy person and clean up misc stuff as I flit… To have the energy of a gal on prednisone, without the mania. I don’t know if that will happen… but I will give it some effort, and/or alot of coffee.
Oh a final note… this tune has been in my head all evening…. Long live the Murphys! I WILL see them play in Boston before they break up or I pass on. MARK MY WORDS.
[Via http://sproutingoff.wordpress.com]
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