Friday, October 9, 2009

I Feel Like I'm Fried and Crispy

So today I went to yet another Doctor’s appointment, you know cause I just enjoy them sooo much right. This appt. was ordered by disability, because of corse disability doesn’t believe my doctors could be right when they say I can’t be under fluorescent  lighting.  It’s so frustrating having an illness that makes it hard for me to go out in the first place and then they have me sit in the doctors office under the lights for two hours as the pain gets worse and worse, feeling like my skin is burning hotter and hotter.  I don’t know if the office’s do this so that they can see my reaction or if their just being cruel but I’m god dammed  tired of it. After the Dr. brought me into the exam room and started examining me, my body flared so bad  I screamed. I didn’t mean to scream but I couldn’t help it, it just really hurt.  I don’t want to go through this process I just wish I could be better! I want my life back so badly!   Rich was really wonderful! He sat with me the entire time, and when I was really dizzy from the pain and he helped me off of the exam table and took care of getting me into the house when we got home. He is sooo wonderful always taking care of me. I wish the world would go to a different kind of light instead of compact fluorescent. LED lights are always a great option for everyone instead.

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